In Figure 8-14 we show variations over time in the ratio of consumption to disposable personal income. 在图8-14中,我们用各个时期中消费对可支配的个人收入的比率来表示这两个变量之间的关系。
Household debt hit a record 133 per cent of disposable personal income. 家庭债务创纪录地达到了个人可支配收入的133%。
This article emphasizes particularly on quantitative analysis, does a preliminary research into urban residents 'disposable personal income and consumption structure in Hebei province, announces the overall and regional state of consumption, and puts forward some suggestions for development. 本文侧重从定量分析的角度,对河北省城镇居民的人均可支配收入和消费结构进行初步分析,揭示城镇居民消费的总体状况和地区状况,提出符合实际的发展建议。
That the total income and disposable income do not represent pre-tax and after-tax income, because they contain social security system on income distribution, so it needs to be raised from personal income tax. 认为个人的总收入和可支配收入不能代表税前和税后收入,因为它们包含了社会保障制度对收入分配的影响,因此需要将其从个人所得税中剔除。